Saturday 28 March 2015

feet book marks!!!

I obviously don’t know what "coming soon" is right? But on my defense' I had my exams going on and I couldn't possibly find the time to make a tutorial. For those of you who think this a tutorial for the previous post on corner book marks, I'm sorry to disappoint you. But look on the bright side! A new post!
OK, so I was scrolling down the internet when I saw some cute book marks of little feet peeking out from the book but, like I'd pay for bookmarks! Nope. So I decided to make em' myself.
I was really excited and forgot to take pictures of each step and I only realized it this morning when I started painting it. Too late! Yeah that's what I thought. so here I am posting the final finished bookmarks. (I've made too many promises of posts already so let's just hope I'll make one of this too?)

But just in case I don’t follow through. Here are the steps in words.( that's the best I can do right now).
1.       Take two paper clips the metal ones will do just fine. and then open them to form a L shape where one side is much longer than the other.
2.       Here comes the sticky part. Take tissues and wrap them around the feet and make a ball like structure on the smaller side for the shoes.
3.       Let it dry.
4.       Paint on it. I made black shoes with socks with red stripes. (as you can 'clearly' see.)
5.       Paste both the legs a little apart on a small piece of stiff paper. Then fill the gap between the legs on the paper with more pieces of stiff paper. And finally paste over the mess you've made. (Make sense?)
6.       Let the glue dry and we're done!
Lets just hope I do make a step by step pic tutorial (even I find it difficult to understand me).

So till we meet again! ta ta (technically we have never meet. right? it would be so cool if we met and didn't even know) so alright! 

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